Environmental Services

Design, Analyses & Services Implementation Albanian Forest Information System (ALFIS)
We supported the client to design and analyze a solution for collection of the information regarding three components (boundaries of forest economies, parcels and sub-parcels and the related information linked to these spatial objects) constitutes the Forest Cadaster
Tirana, May. 2020
Arcadia SIT SRL
Ministry of Tourism and Environment
Modelling processes for spatial analysis and the production of statistics, Spatial Data construction & analysis in the fields, GIS application design and development
The object of this contract is to design and analyze a solution for collection of the information regarding three components (boundaries of forest economies, parcels and sub-parcels and the related information linked to these spatial objects) constitutes the Forest Cadaster. The goal of ALFIS is to provide tools and services to support these activities (“conservation, management and use of forest”).
Design and analyses of production of cartographic data: topographic and thematic
EU standard application
Relational Data Base Management System (RDBMS) design and development
Modelling processes for spatial analysis and the production of statistics
WebGIS to support cooperation activities
GIS application design and development
Spatial Data construction & analysis in the fields of: environment, forests, agriculture, cadaster
Production of translations into the Albanian language.
Industry: Environment