Consulting and Supervision QC/QA SERVICES
Under the Project Component 1 – Strengthening Institutional Capacity to improve environmental services from integrated landscape management, it is planed the first registration of forests and pastures that are transferred to the ownership of Local Government Units (LGU).
Tirana, Nov. 2020
Arcadia SIT SRL
Ministry of Tourism and Environment
Modelling processes for Design and Preparation of Cadastral Map (CM), Analysis of geographical data
Starting from the analysis of the data and the workflows which have to be supported by the new system, the base principles of the new AlFIS and the related technical specifications implementing these principles as follows:
An overview of the legal acts which describe the involved actors and the processes needed for the management of forest and pasture in Albania
The description of the core data collected and managed and the description of the AlFIS conceptual data model
The analysis of the workflows
The identification of the functional and not-functional requirements
The description of conceptual infrastructure
The identification of the expected work packages and related tasks for ALFIS designing, development and deployment.
- System test with evaluation of functionality and production of reports on any bugs;
- Staff training of: MTE, NFA, NAPA, RAPA and Municipalities in the use of all AlFIS modules;
- Remote and face-to-face support to the technicians of the Bodies involved in the project in the use of AlFIS for learning the functionality of the system and collecting any functional changes;
- Participation in the meetings held with World Bank and MTE in the analysis and verification phases of the progress of the AlFIS product developments;
- Participation in the testing phase, carried out jointly with the Customer, of the products with the production of reports aimed at solving the bugs found;
- Review / update of user manuals in English and Albanian;
- Production of translations into the Albanian language.