The aim is to provide support to all public institutions for applications to different donors. As the largest donor, the main weight of applications will be for EU funds. Support from the EU is mainly given in several forms:
National IPA
IPA Cross-Border Cooperation (IPA-CBC)
European programs, such as Creative Europe, Erasmus +, Horizon
Western Balkans Investment Framework (WBIF)
Framework Agreement
July 2023-July 2025
State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination
Consulting studies for Supporting the transition to greener and more resilient cross-border regions; Improving accessibility in the cross-border area; Promotion of sustainable cross-border economic and social development.
The State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination, following the procurement procedure with no. reference REF-55213-12-28-2022, Lot 1 “Consultancy service for drafting project proposals following announcements of calls from donors for projects with foreign financing” and Framework Agreement no. 197/76, dated 28.07.2023 invites for the submission of proposals.
Development of strategic projects based on the following areas:
- Circular Economy Park
- Introduction of digital tools for waste monitoring in urban areas
- Intelligent Cities
- Thematic Tourist Itineraries
- Tourist Itineraries and Blue Economy
The assignment’s deliverables and indicators are realistic. We fully commit to meeting all requirements through the specific activities we will implement according the framework Agreement. Also, we are ready to propose for the unpredictable elements, and our team will provide creative solutions for any upcoming challenges.